On Thursday I worked on walking with braces some more and did really well! It takes some getting use to but i was making great strides up and down the parallel bars. I know that one day soon I will be doing it unassisted. I am still praying each and everyday for complete healing and know that it will happen one day.
Friday was a very hard day. During my PT session I worked on my knees keeping my balance and doing push-ups from an elevated position. My left shoulder was hurting me so we had to stop and ice it. My left shoulder has made everything alot harder on me, but I am NOT going to complain because I do not want it to hinder my sessions. I will just grin and bear it so I can get the most out of every session. Its not a sharp pain but just an aching, from the muscles around my shoulder not having ANY strength from me favoring that arm for months. I can deal with pain....ive dealt with it for months, whats a few more weeks. I know my exercises are building my strength which I will need in my future sessions.
At 1:00PM on Friday I was scheduled for the Locomat again. This was my second session on the machine and I LOVE every minute of it. Well.....I dont enjoy them strapping me into the unit. The purposely SQUEEZE the life out of me for a few minutes until they get me strapped in the machine. Once in the unit they loosen the straps but for a good minute....I CANT BREATH, and all my insides get crunched! I tell them I have already broken all my ribs you dont have to break them again! To which they tell me to quit my crying and suck it up..."THEN THEY PULL TIGHTER, getting there leg on the mat for leverage as the pull!" I guess they know what they are doing?! Once they got me in the unit and make sure I wouldn't slip the loosen the straps so I can work comfortably AND BREATH! I was able to do GREAT things in this session! Whenever I was resting the graph would be flat but once I started to try to walk it would SPIKE pretty good! I was putting good pressure through the unit. I was excited at my progress and I look forward to my next session.
My mom took a video of me on the Locomat for everyone to see. She took the video with the camera on the side...haha....so the video is ON ITS SIDE!! I tried EVERYTHING to flip the video over but it is NOT a picture and wouldnt give me that option so you will have to watch me on the side. Just turn your head to the side OR you can just grab your computer monitor and flip it on its side! EASY SOLUTION GUYS!! Do I have to think of everything?? This will give you an idea of what I have to go through in therapy or at least on the Locomat!
One of my dear friends and FORMER teachers David Carter took the liberty using some of his photoshop skills of me in the Locomat. I mentioned in a previous post that I felt like ROBOCOP in the unit....Well....If I was ROBOCOP...I would look something like THIS!!

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support!! PLEASE PLEASE KEEP PRAYING FOR ME!!!! I NEED THEM BAD!! God Bless you ALL!!
Brent, I think the Robo Suit looked really great on you! Maybe your dad can find one for you for Halloween!!!! I hope you were able to take a little break yesterday to catch the Bucs win over the Packers. It was a goodern!!! I think the heat got to the cheeseheads! I am sure you heard the story on Matt Bryant losing his 3 month old son last week and burrying him on Saturday; but you probably did not see where Matt and several Bucs and Packers players gathered together after the game to pray for Matt. That was really cool! Add Matt to your paryer list, his tragedy and sorrow was felt by all at the game. Meanwhile, trun the camera, and keep up the hard work and have fun in your rehab as we pray for another inch of nerve growth this week. Sorry about your Gators, Go BUCS!!!
That was an awesome video!! Thanks to a light weight laptop, I was able to watch the video without a neck strain. You make walking look easy!! Keep up the good work!
PV prayer warrior,
Cynthia M.
That's so awesome... Love the sound effects at the end... :)
Your #1 Greek fan
It was worth getting the kink in my neck just to watch you in action! You go, Robobrent!!!!
Ummmmmm..... SPEECHLESS!!! BRENT!! I just got back last night and could not WAIT to catch up on your blog- I just knew that you had done so much the past 9 days I've been in Mexico!! LOVE the pics and video! I am SOO happy for you! This is so amazing! Praying for you non-stop! Just remember who your favorite OT is :)
I can't believe that I can't open the video! I want to see you walk on your side! The pics of your 1st steps are absolutely amazing. I'll be praying for less pain in your shoulder along with complete healing!
Robin and Kathy
Brent the video moved me to tears of JOY ~ GOD IS GOOD!!! Keep up the great work, I will pass on to everyone at PV to keep praying and you know I will! Love ya! Kimberly
The video is so amazing. Keep up the good work. God is with you every step you take. We continue to pray for you.
God Bless,
Linda Vaughn
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