Monday, May 25, 2009

Some Exciting News! I STOOD UP!

Yes, you heard correctly from the subject above. The other night in therapy, I was able to stand up out of my chair. My therapists who comes to my house decided to work on my (sit to stand) ability. We have worked on the before, but in the past my dad, or therapists husband, Jim had to help me up my lifting on my gate belt around my waist. We tried to do it this time, without braces and by just holding onto my dad and jim's hands. When we counted to three I PUSHED through my feet and by pushing a little into the hands of my dad and Jim I was able to stand up. Once I was up my dad said that I was not pushing through his hands hardly at all. He said that most of the effort came from me pushing through my feet. I was shocked at how quickly I shot up and thought for sure that I was being helped up BUT I WASN'T being helped at all. I needed proof of this on my own so I told everyone to back away. I wanted everyone several feet away from me with NO ONE TOUCHING ME! They put the walker in front of me on my mat and on the count of three I SHOT UP into the standing position with very little push through my hands. I STOOD UP!! Everyone in the room was excited and could hardly believe it. This was the first time I have stood up on my own.

In the past my dad and brother would say that I was helping them when I pushed through my feet to get into the truck. They would say that it was a lot easier for them to lift me up and I was helping stand myself up. Although they said that often I did not know the percentage of help I was giving! Was it 5%? was I helping them 10%? I thought my brother and father would just muscle me up into the truck but I didn't know how much I was helping. Well THIS WEEK I found out that I am helping A TON! I was able to stand up on my feet with NO ONE touching me! Once I was up my father had to help brace my knees with his hands because I could not completely support my weight yet but WHAT A MIRACLE FROM GOD!! I would have never thought that I would be this far along in such a short time. Your prayers are working! I am excited about my therapy at Shepherds and can not wait to see the progress I will make there! Please continue to pray for me, pray for more miracles! I WILL WALK AGAIN!! we must have faith and believe!


Judy May said...

Sounds like you made your own memorial day! You had the best help of all - from Him, who can do all things. You are indeed a blessed young man.

Sheryl said...

What awesome news! I hope we get to see a video:)


Anonymous said...


You are constantly in our prayers!

The Hilberts

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Brent! I am so happy for you. Carolyn and I remember you in our prayers daily and we are confident that this is not the last miracle you will see.
We love you!
Dale and Carolyn Fonville